Meet Rob Hoyt

I grew up in Granville, NY (Upstate on the VT boarder) which is where I first got interested in radio since I grew up before the invention of the internet and cell phones.  I discovered radio in my early teens; shortwave, scanners, and CB were great ways to fill time during the long, dark winter evenings! After High school I joined the Air Force and went through electronics tech school at Lowery AFB, CO, and was then stationed at Cannon AFB in Clovis, NM. There I met an Elmer (Ben W5GYT) and received my first call sign, KB5IEZ in 1988. Then while stationed at Lakenheath AFB in England, upgraded to Technician in 1990 and received my current call sign.

I’ve spent most of my career either in the military or supporting the military and currently work for BAE Systems at Webster Field as an IT project manager. I help manage a radio over IP program, not a bad job for a ham!

I am mostly active these days on VHF checking into a lot of local nets. I don’t get on HF that much but when I do, usually voice and RTTY. After being a ham for 30 years, I get the most satisfaction out of working with new people, helping them get up and running and helping out at public service events. And honestly, I really enjoy helping to make clubs run and operate successfully. I was with the Charles County Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) for 20 years and served in every position on the Board at one time or another including President for a number of years. But the drive up there was a bit much so now it’s nice working with a “local” club.

I have two great kids, Lorin and Brandon who both live in Murfreesboro, TN. Brandon is in his second year of college working on a degree in music business. Lorin is in her third year in college and working on a nursing degree. Although neither one of the kids are hams, Brandon has taken over as the family tech guy (his own words) and Lorin has bought an HT and has shown interest in radio.

In addition to radio some of my other interests include hiking, running, flying (ultralights & gliding), and I’m also a bit of a Civil War buff. This is a great place to live if you like to tour Civil War battlefields!

73, Rob – N2OMC

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