Tuesday Net – New Start Time
If you haven’t heard, the K3HKI Tuesday Net has a new start time. The new time is 1900 Local. This […]
If you haven’t heard, the K3HKI Tuesday Net has a new start time. The new time is 1900 Local. This […]
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Gene (N3NO) and to Eddie (KB3HAM) and with a bit of help from Tracey
Looks like we may have a Winter Field Day next month. Check out our groups.io discussion for more information. https://smcara.groups.io/g/Public/topics
The membership form has been updated and can be found in SMCARA > Join SMCARA
We will be shutting down the SMCARA reflector soon. There are a few reasons we decided to do this, but
The Tailgate Fest is on October 14th and will be at the Bingo Hall of the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department.
If you haven’t heard, all club business and latest news is now being posted to the SMCARA.groups.io site. Subgroups are
We had a great meeting last week. You can read and download a copy of the minutes at SMCARA >
We have kicked off our groups.io platform for the club. Come check it out at smcara.groups.io/g/Public and join in. Groups.io