Tuesday Net – New Start Time

If you haven’t heard, the K3HKI Tuesday Net has a new start time.  The new time is 1900 Local.  This is partly to deconflict with the Talk-Around-Tuesday Net that starts at 2000L.

On 2/4/25, Rachel will be the first one to kick the net off on it new time.  We also have two new net controls (NCs) starting up in February, Tracey (KC3UYF) and Mike (KB3EAC).  Let’s make sure our new NCs have a full log for their first net.

If anyone is interested in getting in the NC rotation, just let any of the NCs know or say something here.  Current NCs are:

Jon N3AK 
Walt W3GYT 
Neil AC3CU 
Jim KB1YZ 
Rachel KF7AWC 
Tracey KC3UYF

You can always see the current rotation at
https://smcara.org/rotation/ or navigate to
SMCARA.org > Local > Local Nets > K3HKI > Tuesday Net Rotation

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