The club maintains an EchoLink node on the K3HKI Repeater (146.640 MHz) that is open to anyone with an EchoLink account.
The node can be found in the EchoLink software under repeaters as K3HKI-R or you can search for the node number of 559056.
Unfortunately, at this time the node does not accept DTMF tones via RF so cannot be linked to other nodes but will accept link requests from other nodes.
The node itself consists of a Kenwood TM-V71A connected to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running SvxLink version 1.6.1 and located in Greenbrier Estates subdivision of Lexington Park. The radio is operating on an inverse of the repeater pair on low power.

As for a description of what EchoLink is, I’ll let the smart folks explain it: