A good time was had by all who attended the Fox Hunt sponsored by FWARC with Kato Spears, KB3LIB, as the Fox. The following people from Saint Mary’s County participated: Rob Hoyt N2OMC, Rick McNutt KC3NEV, and Jayne McNutt W4VJU. The following people from Charles County, Fort Washington, Anne Arundel County, Vienna and Alexandria VA attended: Jeff Humbert KB3SPH, Pam Humbert KB3SWS, Michelle Sack N3YRZ, Charles Hallock AA3WS, Ken La Capria KA3POX, Sal Dominianni KM4PPV, Gary McBrien K3EEZ, Scott Rasmus KC3BFW, Corey Sheldon WA1EM, and Rebecca Coby KM4RDS. A good turn out of 14 people! Sorry if I missed anyone or mispelled any names. It turned into a beautiful Spring day and it was entertaining to use a radio to locate another radio transmitting in a big area!

The nights leading up to the event entailed researching fox hunts, printing maps and planning a strategy, setting a range of frequencies (the fox’s Simplex plus a few + and – of that frequency) in your handheld radio, and making a 3 element Yagi from PVC pipe, an old metal measuring tape, some wire and a connector just for fun, and having a get together with your team – not mandatory but enjoyable! And then you wonder if you should have chosen to build or buy another type of antenna!!!!
Two 3 element Yagis Yagi Maps and antennas
The day of the event you get up and head to the area of the fox hunt. Hope you remembered everything – if not – hope you brought the very important things! Once the hunt begins you start listening for clues and directions from the fox. It is actually amusing to watch your friends go in circles in fields, and climb hills, stand and scratch their heads, hold radios next to their bellies, etc. while getting readings. Then hurry back and plot your data and head to another location in time for another clue. The fox only transmits every 15 minutes for 2 short minutes.

The clues help you narrow down the area where the fox might be hiding!
Rick and Rob Rick and Rob
Keep plotting lines, but are they pointing in the right direction? All those lines crossed but the silly fox is not there!!!! Do you think that first line was off for some reason – like interference, etc.? What did that Fox say? Did he just say he was in Charles County! Oh no, you need to think!!!! Now quick as the old brown fox, decide where to go for your next clue and reading!!!!!

The clues keep helping you narrow down the location of the fox. At last you make it to the den and shake hands with the fox, and meet the other hunters as you enjoy a very nice lunch made by Kato’s wife! Our team had a great time, some good ole luck, and discovered if you win the Fox Hunt you get to host the next one, so Rob, Rick & I will help coordinate a Fox Hunt sponsored by SMCARA in the future and you can go hunt a fox!
Below are some photos taken by Michelle Sack N3YRZ. Thanks! 73 to all!
Jeff and Gary Gary and Jeff
Scott, Ken and Sal Charles and Pam
Ken, Charles and Pam Kato and Sal
Charles, Rob and Jayne and Rick Rob, Charles and Jayne