Subject: Maryland-DC Section HF Hospital Net
July 16, 2019 1820L
To All Radio Amateurs
Time for the monthly MDC Section HF Hospital Net (HFHN) sponsored by
Start time is 1900L on 3820kHz Wednesday July 17, 2019
Join us 15 minutes early to help hold the frequency to 1900.
NCS is Wanda, KA3AHI, Brandywine, MD
The purpose of the Net is two fold: To find out who we can touch during
an actual disaster when local communications have failed. Secondly, to
hold the frequency for the MD Emergency Phone Net should the need
You do not have to reside in the MDC Section nor associated with our
hospital program, but if you are, we’d like to hear about it. Everyone
may join in on the fun.
If the frequency gets a little crowded, look for us ‘down or up stream’
about 5kHz.
The MDC Section HF Hospital Net is held on the Wednesday following the
third Monday of every month.
The next Hospital Net is Aug 21, 2019. NCS is TBD.
Pass the word to others.
Please check in if only to give us a holler. Looking for a big turn
Thank you and 73,
Wanda Montgomery KA3AHI