Mark your calendars for the 6th Annual Connector Workshop (Red-Righting, Tongue-Upping the World since 2016) to be held at the Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center (NCEEC) on Sunday, 9/19/2021. This year’s theme is
“Solar Sunday.”
Details so far:
Who: Any interested person. This email is being sent to local area amateur radio operators. Please feel free to forward this link to any individual/group that may have an interest. (
What: Free Connector Workshop focusing on learning about and constructing power cable assemblies using Anderson PowerPole connectors. Planned speakers include Charles – AA3WS and Jeff – KB3SPH.
Also: “Solar Sunday” Presentations on Various Solar Power Systems:
- Kato – KB3LIB: Home/Cottage Solar Project
- Steven – KC3DSO: Camping/Hiking/Vehicle Solar Systems
- Jeff – KB3SPH: Field Deployable/Portable Solar System
- Bob – NW3M: 2-Meter Quad Antenna Build Project (See Antenna Kit Order Form)
- Please let me know no later than 31 August by return email to, if you wish to participate in the antenna build. The $20 cost (cash or check) for the kit will be collected at the workshop
When: Sunday, 19 September 2021 from 1300 – 1700 (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM).
Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center (NCEEC)
5300 Turkey Tayac Place
Nanjemoy, MD 20662
How (To):
- Briefs on how to use Anderson PowerPole connectors (the ARES/RACES standard) and demonstrations on various configurations to assemble
- Hands on use of PowerPole crimpers and insulated connector crimpers to assemble cables
- Hands on use of other crimp-on connectors, PL-259 connector installation, etc.
- Briefs and demonstrations on preparation of cables and soldering various connectors and Crimp-the-Shield/Solder-the-Pin connectors
- Hands on use of soldering equipment
Note: No experience or bringing of equipment is necessary, come and learn from others! If you have a situation where you need assistance in getting a connector/advice on equipment, please bring that equipment to the workshop and let the “Brain Trust” have a crack at solving the issue.
Why: Get the creative juices flowing!
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please let me know via return email ( and include the number of people you’re bringing with you.