23 May Meeting: Preparation for 22-23 Jun 2019 SMCARA Field Day

We had a great meeting! Pete Butt, WA3UMY kicked off the evening with a delightful film based on the 2005 SMCARA Field Day! Next, Tony Barrett, N5TB took the helm and facilitated us through a wonderful discussion, with loads of volunteering and helpful thoughts and questions, to finalize decisions for this years upcoming 2019 SMCARA Field Day!

The ARRL web site provides rules and information. ARRL

The location of the 2019 SMCARA Field Day station will be at the rear of the high bay area of the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum Technology Hall. For antennas, we will be using the tri-band antenna located at the rear of the building on top of the 50 foot Rohn tower. Tony will bring two more verticals to be set up in the grassy area behind the building. Several tables will be set up to provide desk space for one CW station, two HF phone stations and one digital station for a total of four stations at the rear of the hall. The station call will be K3HKI, MDC–4A. There will be five laptops to provide logging support. Plan to use a hard wired connection since wifi was not working smoothly. We will be using a portable generator located behind the building for station power.

  • Work party: June 1 at PAX museum after HAMS breakfast
  • Members are bringing generators, high grade gas, grill, propane tank, coaxial cable, ethernet cable, banner, tripods, connectors, pop-up tents, radios, antennas, rotator controller, headsets, etc. Some items can be brought to Work Day – June 1, while other items will be brought on Field Day – June 22
  • John McKay, KB0UCT is our Backup Coordinator and will be handling our digital FT8 operations
  • June Entzi, KC3GYL is our Safety Officer / PR / Food Coordinator – Club will provide hamburgers and hot dogs, buns, condiments and paper products and drinks, and Members will bring sides, please reply to June’s email and let her know if you are able to attend and what you’re bringing. June is setting up a table with display and handouts
  • Richard Bozovich, N1LID is our Social Media Coordinator – See our Facebook page under “Saint Mary’s County Amateur Radio Association”
  • Mike Souders, KB3ZWM – will coordinate a test session at Field Day between 1 – 4 pm on Saturday, June 22
  • John Johnson, WA3ZGD, let us know Civil Air Patrol has been contacted and hopefully will be present at our Field Day
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