1 June 2019 Work Day

Following a wonderful HAMS breakfast at Cracker Barrel, many SMCARA members met at Patuxent River Naval Air Museum to spruce up our area, do some needed work on antennas, get a cabinet moved to Bldg. C so we have a place to lock up our equipment, drop off the club trailer, and brain storm about the final details for Field Day 2019. Please read previous post for more details about 22-23 June Field Day.

Pete Butt WA3UMY and Tony Barrett N5TB had a plan and the SMCARA crew got it done, and I think everyone learned at least one new thing in the process. Please enjoy photos by Jayne McNutt W4VJU.

Tony Barrett N5TB threw a perfect first shot to put the rope over the limb and is waiting as the person at the tree gets the rope in place.
Tony Barrett, N5TB playing the rope game with the person at the tree, so Rick McNutt W1JRM can tie one leg of the dipole antenna to a tree to get it in an V shape and off the ground. The other side of the dipole is stretched out in the other direction and is tied off to another tree.
Steve Dagey, KA3WAP and Tom Clarke, W4OKW working on an antenna bracket to be used as a temporary mount for a Titan antenna.
Gene Talley N3NO, Tom Clarke W4OKW, John McKay KB0UCT, and Tony Barrett N5TB
John McKAy KB0UCT, Gene Talley N3NO, and Tom Clarke W4OKW working on the bracket for an antenna mount on the club trailer.
Tony Barrett N5TB and Steve Dagey KA3WAP getting ready to analyze the Titan antenna.
Julia Forest KB3DEU
Tony Barrett N5TB analyzing an antenna, with the following in the background, Steve Dagey KA3WAP, Jim Forest KB1YZ and his wife Julia KB3DEU, Turq Brown AK4DT, Rick McNutt W1JRM and June Entzi KC3GYL
Walt Rupp W3GYT telling me I better not tell his wife, Janet KB3BAW he knows how to vacuum. Just kidding!
Tony Barrett N5TB and Rick McNutt W1JRM happy all the hard work is done for the day.
Tom Clarke W4OKW and Turq Brown AK4DT discussing some important strategies for Field Day 2019
Tony Barrett N5TB, Rick McNutt W1JRM and June Entzi KB3GYL having some fun.

Hope you have all put Field Day on your calendar and are planning to come have fun, make some radio contacts, eat a good dinner and make some memories with each other!

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