Good Day! The STEM fest for 2021 in St. Mary’s County “STEAM Day” is going to take place on 24 April, 1000 – 1630 at the Pax River NAS Museum. We have been invited back this year and have a spot reserved outside on the “flightline” near commercial power. In preparation for this event, we are holding a planning session on Zoom next Sunday, 11 April starting at 7:00PM. As of now, I have multiple people signed up from both St. Mary’s County and Charles County. If you haven’t signed up yet and would like to, shoot me an email. I also have a PDF flyer for the event, let me know if you want a copy to distribute and I’ll email it to you.
Zoom meeting info (thanks to KB3KOW) for the use of his Zoom account:
Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 835 7341 7412
Passcode: 817574
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+13126266799,,83573417412#,,,,*817574# US (Chicago)

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 835 7341 7412
Passcode: 817574
73, Rob – N2OMC 

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