Exame Study
Added a helpful study link to the Resource menu.Thanks for the input Neil.
Added a helpful study link to the Resource menu.Thanks for the input Neil.
Thanks to Pete (WA3UMY), Chris (KB2SKP) and Rachel (KF7AWC) for responding and clearing up the issue.
FREE WEEKEND HAM RADIO CLASSGet your Technician class license in a weekend!(I truly don’t have anything better to do than
2 new DMR repeaters are now on the air.Prince Frederick 441.3875 CC1Hollywood 146.850 CC1Both of these repeaters use the same
There are a lot of Special Events going on this month. While a few have past there are still more
The September 2022 Meeting Minutes are now available. SMCARA > Club Meetings > Meeting Minutes
A Getting Started link has been added to the menu line up. For now it is just to help new
Our August meeting will take place this Thursday, 8/25 starting at 1930 on Zoom. We do not have a formal